Wednesday, September 24, 2008

a day.

we usually have 'perhimpunan' on the starting of the day but they changed it to the last period and on that day it was science.we stayed in class..thinking that science would be in class for 1 priod cause if its 2 it'll be in the science lab.

she took 5 marks from us just because we werent in the science lab but 70% was in class!so group by group needs to help her to get our marks back.and our job...LIBRARIAN GANG!!

hahaha ok so we have to get books that are lent to a few classes. jo's and asila's job is to carry a bucket that will be loaded will books soon.i count and get names of classes,how many books are not given back and stuff.sara's is to knock and talk to the ppl in the classes

apparently there are wheels under the bucket and so the two naughty rascal or so small children drag it around like a dog.i thought the bucket might die!!!!we spent an hour doing this stuffs
and sweat like mad!

but thats the only tragedy of the day..till next time.bye!