As some ppl know.. my b'day past already aaaaaaand it was on a school day so lisa and i took some pictures when we went to the toilet. aaaaand i wrote a list of stuff i wanted on sara's hand hahahaha owh and at last i've gotten the b'day present that i wanted from sara, amanda and lisa. THANKS!!(i put up the present u bought for me soon sara sorry =P)
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Posted by hidden thoughts. at 12:57 AM 0 comments
Tattoo day??
Hey everybody!on this very day, (dont remember the date) 3 Omega had its very own tattoo day. i was making a tattoo for myself (using permanent marker -_-). In the end, everybody wanted one for themselves so there i sarted drawing for the bunch of monkeys screaming at each other:
Sophie!! how come shyen has a rainbow?! and i dont have one!! i want a rainbow!!
i want a rainbow too!!
woii naufal dont copy me!
draw for me a rainbow now!!
its only a rainbow. -.- *in my thoughts.."so gaay"
draw me a rainbow now!!SOPHIEE!!
i asked for it first!!
aiyoo wait la wait!
eh sophie i want a spade!!
sabaar..after this
while drawing for these weirdos...
eh not bad arh jacky's i want a apade too. sophie draw me a spade too.
eh now i want an umbrella under my rainbow!!
wait for your turn!! grrr
hey not bad!! soph draw me one too!!
oooooo... GLITTER PENS!!!
sooo many other things they asked for but it took about half an hour or MORE . i dont wanna write the whole script. ahahah
Posted by hidden thoughts. at 12:32 AM 0 comments
Sunday, July 12, 2009
4th july
HEY again people! okay so what do i wanna talk about today?? hmmm lets talk about SCHOOL'S Dinner. i dont know what its called. all they call is makan malam. its soo lame la the name but hey the dewan was as nice as a hotel's ballroom. im very impressed when the lighting turned yellow. when they... what do people say, dim the lights? oh whatever la , right?
at first we had family day in the morning till about 3pm. it was cool but i had this stupid skating competition after that so i had to go home early. what a draag.i saw some ppl at family day. it was kinda fun. I and lisa were the first customer for table talk and we ppplayed a lot so we got some discount or reward as you can call it.hhaha THEN only got makan malam . hahaha
Posted by hidden thoughts. at 5:57 AM 0 comments
Friday, July 10, 2009
At last i can blog!!!!!!!
okay so i know you guys are probably wondering whyyyyy i didnt blog for sooooooooooooooooooo longggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, its because my internet is so freaking cacat!!and slow..
Every time i try to sign in, the page went blank. and DO YOU KNOW.. that I WAITED FOR THIS PAGE TO FINISH LOADING FOR 2 FREAKING HOURS!!
Didnt count the amount of time i waited to PUBLISH this post. load so slow!! Now u know why i always wanna post.
And after waiting i dont have the mood to blog anymore.
What can i still think of. Nothing much la.
My b'day past adi. Thought so nothing will happen.
But of course joker wished me a happy birthday first and gave me my b'day present first too.
Apparently none of my friends gave me a b'day present yet. Isnt that funny?? HA....HA..ppl just wished me happy birthday thats all.
only joker and hadzwan at least wanted to have a little chat with me.
and THANKS also to :
afiqah najihah - black bell
emi ezzati
nur adila
Sara - ama
nur asila - ashiwa
amanda lee - manda
lisa chan - FUYOH LISA
Rachel ng - hui yi
Jo anne - jo
MAndy Chok - mandi
naufal - triple cheeseburger
botak/bullpig -(i forgot ur name HAHAHA)
Azlysha - coconut luuuu!!!! SHA
Shazza - ajaja
Salihin - Im
Arina darling
farah CHII
Shyen "duck"
RO - atukkkk
whoever's name i didnt write. sorry. i'll fix it if i remember.
Owh and since i didnt celebrate my b'day yet. I'D HAVE TO MAKE A BIRTHDAY PARTY but of course no one would come. Its kinda an open party la so who wants to come tell me and ill put you in the list. its at my own house. I'm confident that my house is just like a 5 star hotel so dont be shy to come!
GOOd Presents (affordable):
- Starbucks tumbler :Tiera (i'd get RM2 if i use it for my drinks)
- Guitar - Sara and Asila (mine is olddd adiii)
- Michael Jackson CD - Amanda and Lisa (IMMA LOVE IT FOREVER)
- BIG BIG teddy bear(its fun to hug it)
- An art set!(with a big crayon box and sketch book or maybe drawing Pencils NOT NORMAL'll be awesome)
- nice nail stuff like to make it shine and nail polish.
- that hair colour but temporary
- airbrush tattoo wtv it is??
- storybooks (i love reading)
- Bags
- shoes
- clothes
- pants
- accessories
- make up
Posted by hidden thoughts. at 1:03 AM 0 comments