on tat very day i went to pyramid.
so happy this week is like the complex week cause im went to a lot of places.
and im very happy of the places i went and the ppl i met there.
i was bored so i text tiera
me: lets go out
tiera: to where?
me: to pyramid
her: when?
me: today
her: i mmg nak pegi
me: (wth ckp je la awal2)
then text emi
me: jom join pegi pyramid
emi: im with tiera right now
me: (wth kluar tak ajak?) oh cheyh .
(so and so on)
then tiera texted
her: can u fetch fiqa?
me?( if its my bro fetching me i'm dead) ya sure
her: kat 19/5 somethin
then text adila
me: jom join pegi pyra
her: okay. boleh ambik i ngan fiqa?
me: erm kalau u guys pegi skola bole la.
her: ok
THE next thing u know they naik teksi and all of them except for me sneaked out.
aaaand the rest was wahab, farhi, and hsnyh.
nadia the new student cant go and i donno if adila asked dayana or not.
the rest.. (farah, jo wtv)
i didnt invite cause
farah - not always got transport.
jo - good girl always stay at home( but today she ask me if all of us could go out!!!)
sara - buntut besar sgt malas nak kluar
asila - always good girl. mostly balik awal is the prob
amanda - she never sleeps over!so rugi
lisa - last minute sorry tak ajak
rachel - u wont go.
mandy - (hmmph high achievers kumon FISHsticks u!) shes a good girl.
saw no.5 3- 4 times.
saw m.m.m!!!!
he has been really nice these days.
saw a.a's sis and
aliah! u rock!
and a girl called zafira.
emi went with her bf and no.9 to nowhere land
we went and played bowling which i suck at very badly.
FYI i did not loose!
and the ppl who sneaked out had to go back home early.
then i had to stay with emi and his bf and no.9
note to no.9 i hate what you did that day. hate you now.
i finally get all the wii stuff i need!
donno what to write anymore. tats all. gudbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey..
P.S bie's blog is the most funniest blog. 10 out of 10 agreed. a great anger killer pill.mine sucks
go to : www.bosirnath.blogspot.com
Thursday, January 29, 2009
yesterday. wednesday, 28/1/09
Posted by hidden thoughts. at 5:59 AM 0 comments
officially 15 teenage girl
happy happy birthday,
we sing this song to you!
a happy happy b'day song,
we sing it all for you!
i think thats the right song.
dont remember .
happy birthday to dearest Rachel Ng Hui Yi again.
sorry asila i didnt congrats you of being 15 again.
wth? i said happy b'day a lot oledi!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy happy joy joy.live your life to the fullest.
what am i saying? bla bla bla your 15.
hooray hooray bye bye
Posted by hidden thoughts. at 5:51 AM 0 comments
Sunday, January 25, 2009
one day
okay so yesterday was a A a A a sunday so i went out with my family to pavilion however you spell that damn thing.were supposed to go to the gardens after that but i went and watch a movie so we had no time to do so. after choosing the jeans that i want from ZARA gave my dad the pants for him to pay and i went somewhere else with shazza and my mom. so here we are at JUICY COUTURE!!
woohoo and so we spend a LOT more about RM 500 more or less there but it was on SALE how can you not buy anything there. but it is pretty expensive since just for one charm, ONE CHARM! one of those things either the gloves or jacket is RM300 so for a 50% discount it was worth it. i've bought a few charms before this so now at last the bracelet is full of charms!` added to my collec - si -on !
but while i was doing that... bie was waiting at the entrance. im the one who barely comes here and hes the one who doesnt knwo where to go. ngok ngek la. but he knows where the cinema is pulak.
yea while watching my parents kept on calling the whole time so i kept goin in and out in and out of the room. pity that guy who sits at my row. then we all balik. thats all. today nothing to do since everyone is bsy and i still dont know anything about my new neighbour! i need info!!
bubblegum machine!!!!!my favourite!!
boxing gloves
the used to be empty bracelet had this.(thats all.no charms.stupid)
cool cam
hot jacket
that windmill blowing thing.(clueless of its name)
Posted by hidden thoughts. at 11:24 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 24, 2009
today! more party-like stuff
woah in the afternoon there was this super cool wedding. it was my neighbour's wedding. NEIGHBOUR . so close to my house some more. went to the wedding wearing bikini then i saw soooooooooooo many s.u ppl!!!! okay of course i didnt wear bikini la. shit you only. hahhaa alyaa was there. smiled at her but it looks like she didnt recognize me at all. stupid. adila from form 3 oso came and a few form 5 ppl. omg scared to death man so many s.u ppl came!!!! unbelievable la that amir is my new neighbour. im not so sure who he is but yea. from s.u .if youre reading this dont shy shy come to my house laaa. it'll be so awesome. my mom allow guys come to my house so we lepak. hhahahahah. no la. he might be some scary dude.
and at that night which is tonight i had dinner. with my bro's best friend. his younger brother, my age used to be so small now his like taller than asila and all. 6 feet plus u know! but his not a malaysian so its not surprising that that'll happen. anyway he is ver hot now. man. why cant i be hot when i grow up. i look like a monkey. if i wear a monkey costume.no jokes in my post since i hate posting these days.would put more pics but internet slow. post next time. chayo.
Posted by hidden thoughts. at 7:34 AM 0 comments
another 2 party in 1
i hope i can put pictures now.okay so it was a surprise party for ashiwa aka right-hand girl (not kanan hand but correct hand.u know.. right wrong)
at first we didnt have enough time to prepare everything at manda's house since interact was canceled 2 days ago(friday) but then we had enough time since something happened. oooooo it was terrible! but SOMEONE ask me if it was FAKE! (farah) i'm like what?! me fake this. no way. hahah I WISH!
the day before that we were rushing like mad dogs donno where to go. the card was really hard to make. oo oo oo oo! i made the front page of the black card!i'm so proud of my hands. everyone tried to help so they did the inside. it was kinda fun.
then when we reached manda's house it was awesome.happy b'day to you came out the cake next ! rachel's. happy b'day to you. then laugh laugh laugh everything over. it was cool.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanddddd!!!!!!!! manda actually saw locco. the no.1 guy all of us hate. and yes all your friend bought u that perfume rachel!
another aaaaaaaaaaand asila didnt wear her an advanced b'day present i bought for her. a PINK watch that she wanted so much when she saw it so straight away i bought. half a year earlier thn her b'day. be PROUD!!!! thats all.. malas post. tataaaaa...
wait wait wait. my blog very old la. i need to change everything. but malas. whoooo la so baik hati wanna change for me pls do.
no no no. got more. " look at my precious book! oooh yeah! " (who understands understands la. if u wanna hear that song dont shy shy malu malu tripped and drop hidung berdarah dont wanna come hear the song from me. i'll sing it PROUDLY! my lagu negaraku show-pee lanDarat.
okay here are the pics. at last can post. rachel's presnet from all of us
second b'day girl
ashiwa the b'day girl
lisa chan and jasper!
Posted by hidden thoughts. at 3:09 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
all the parties
i know i know. u babbling monsters kept on saying that i have to update but i dont have time! i didnt online for a long time so i dont think i can tell you every single detail about the things i have done from dec 08 to jan 09.
so just look at the pics okaay.
okay i cant upload. never will be able to. my internet super slow. not my fault. sorry. mls tell u guys the whole story. gud bieeeeeee
Posted by hidden thoughts. at 11:50 PM 0 comments